space. the final frontier.

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Will's Comic Art Page - Features one of the finest selections of original comicbook artwork for sale from the 1940's to present!

SELL YOUR ART - Have artwork you'd like to sell? Comic Art Page pays top dollar for a single piece of art or an entire collection. CONTACT CAP NOW!

TRADE YOUR ART - See artwork you’d like purchase but your funds are tied up? Trade art to Comic Art Page for the quality art you want. CONTACT CAP NOW!

CONSIGN YOUR ART - Comic Art Page gets you top dollar for a single piece of art or an entire collection! A small commission gets BIG results! CONTACT CAP NOW!

Will Gabri-El
P.O. Box 1156
Merchantville, NJ 08109
(856) 662-6173


Exciting new vintage comic art doesn’t last long! To avoid missing one-of-a-kind art, sign-up to the email list and be notified as soon as it goes on sale. It’s frustrating to hear from fellow collectors how they missed out on a long sought-after piece. So be sure to submit your email address or Comic Art Page cannot be held responsible for someone else buying your artwork!


Contact/How To Order

Will Gabri-El
22 W Maple Ave, Unit 1156
Merchantville, NJ 08109 USA
(856) 662-6173

A) Reserve artwork by clicking ADD TO CART below the artwork. For additional purchases, please repeat this procedure.


B) Once you've completed shopping, click on CHECKOUT and fill in each field with your info then click SEND MY PURCHASE REQUEST.


C) A final invoice including shipping/insurance will be sent to you.


Cash, check, money order or bankwire are accepted. Artwork is held on reserve for 7 days BUT time payments are available and can make purchases more convenient —please email to discuss, whether it’s a month or a year, Comic Art Page wants to make collecting more convenient and fun for you!


Trading can be fun and is always welcome for discussion (click here to see my WANT LIST) --let's discuss what you'd like to work out...


Art shipped flat and sturdy! Domestic shipping is $25.00 for USPS Priority-Signature Confirmation, $60.00 for USPS Express Mail, and International shipping is $100.00 for USPS International Express Mail --OVERSIZED and framed artwork add $20.00 for any service and FedEx Shipping is higher. Insurance coverage is included with both domestic and international shipping at no additional charge!





*Time payments require non-refundable deposit of 20% down, the length of payments however can be varied to suit the convenience of the buyer.




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